Yes there is a lot of confusion. In just a couple of years, due to enhancements in tools and techniques there has been a complete change in job hunting pattern. Large corporations demanded resume formats varying on their preferences in skills and area of their concerns like Specialists Language Recruitment based on geographical area and all that.
So the consulting groups came into being while understanding the needs and want of the company and standardized the format of resumes for their clients and then personal web space and biographies were never far away from the process. That turn the candidates awareness, apart from being intelligent at the job they needed to learn the appropriate job search procedure with the passage of time.
Since it’s all about your career so you need to really know the process of the recruiting firm and must understand a few simple concepts. Knowing the audience your resume is going to cater, the format that you opt for must be well acceptable by those audiences for the Internet job hunter.
Human read Resume: Every one is very much familiar with the traditional, printed hard copy resume. This human read resume must a sophisticated one with eye catching formatting. As this is not read by a machine the key skills and qualification should be highlighted and must be appealing.
Computer read Resume: Perhaps here your resume may not necessarily be eye catching rather must be ensuring that everything is under right title and pertaining to right place as preferred by language recruitment agency. If you don’t hit the right question for the right answers then you may let key areas loose somewhere else which will be discarded by computer as rubbish. Keep remember this time your resume is read by a machine not a human being. Specify your skills in your keywords appropriately. And ensure that your resume is not eliminated for a job that is your area of expertise.
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IF you research any of the successful business then you will find the foundation of that particular business would be its employees. After all recruitment firm is responsible for the productivity. And its Human Resource people’s job to keep them motivated while listening them, sorting out their problems.
All of the outings and gathering are being done in successful companies to keep employees cohesive and familiar. Here are some ways in which HR people can keep their employees motivated towards work.
Interaction Human Resource people must talk to their employees without any hierarchal discrimination. They should understand their needs, discuss their problems and find out their concerns. These often discussions can help remove ongoing illusion in the minds of employees better.
Appreciation In the world where democracies are preferred destination of MNCs, A good work should be appreciated and encouraged. They remember and cherish appreciation.
Performance Appraisal performance appraisal exercises must be in practice without any prior intimation from employee. Employees will know that if they are working hard on something then it’s not going in vain, their work is visible to the whole department.
Round Table Discussions consider even a non valuable suggestion; after all it’s the thinking of one of your employee, so in someway he/she would be right. You may not go by that suggestion but consider that also.
Pay them Right Pay your employees for what they are worth and they will be happy to work for you. At times they may not understand the worth of the job they have been performing but the recruitment agency must keep associated with these things.
Undoubtedly the population across the countries is very much diverse. There are people coming to multi national Companies from different races, having diversity on languages, different family and societal backgrounds, multi cultural beliefs and so the values. There is only one common objective of people is to earn their livings which turned possible under one roof because of globalization.
Now all through that International Recruitment Agencies should be credited with applauded credentials because they played truly crucial role amidst number of challenges starting from hiring appropriate candidates to retaining them keeping in mind not only their well being but also for the organization they are working for.
Besides ethnographic differences, past a couple of centuries have seen increased percentage of women, immigrants, and people from various geographic regions with differing cultural backgrounds. Just for example approximately half of the working population in America belongs to other ethnicity! In some areas across California, workers from different groups comprise around sixty percent of the total workforce.
Not only for corporation but also taking the economy of the concerned country to grow positively, it is essential to recruit and retain a diverse workforce ranging from all groups and people. Presence of diverse workforce brings harmony and energy and so the creativity for the organization. It also brings positive image of the organization among people.
In order to create and manage diverse pool of candidates, Language Recruitment Agencies reaches to right candidate for the right job. That is why recruiting process is supposed to be the gateway to any company.
People call a recruitment process a negative process wherein the chances of someone getting selected is a lot lesser than one’s getting rejected. But there is one thing generally people don’t think about before moving on to the next topic for discussion.
I just want to elucidate on it that no recruitment firm actually wants to disqualify the person whom they have called for an interview. Isn’t this true? Yes it is! Then simply spare a thought for it and think why it happens.
I am telling you why. Because of the many reasons and one having a major stack in it is the capability of a recruitment firm. Now when I say capability then I am only concerned about their capability about judging the applicants and a fair and transparent vision of their future prospects. And this is the thing wherein human resource managers are turning their blind eye in order to some hidden benefits behind it or just to make up their tasks to hire applicants.
So what happens many of the well capable aspirants who had something in them to become a celebrity ends up their career as a doctor and remains dissatisfied with them.
So as of my own experience says is that a recruitment firm must be a corporate body comprising a well educated human resource employees having a broad vision to the future as well as should have the abilities to bring out the intrinsic value in their aspirants and could suggest them where and in which field they should apply for.
So if they are doing this then no recruitment agency and any recruitment process would be a negative one. And even after the disqualification of an aspirant, he/she would move out of the place with a positive attitude and will try out according to his/her capability.